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Powder, Porcelain

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GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
Initial IQ ONE,SQIN System SET, 228g
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
Initial IQ,SQIN Shades Set,140G
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
Initial IQ,LP ONE,V-Shades Set, 88g
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Spectrum Stain Set, 16 GC Initial Spectrum Stain SPS1 -SPS16, 1 GC Initial Spectrum Glaze Powder GL, 1 GC Initial Spectrum Glaza Liquid, 1 GC Initial Spectrum Glaze paste Liquid, 1 GC Initial Spectrum Stain Shade Guide
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Initial IQ Lustre Paste GUM Shades Set, IQ LP NF Gum shade (1 each), G-23/G-24/G-34/G-35/G-36 (1 each) 4g stain modifier for LP NF LP-M1/LP-M2/LP-M3/LP-M4, 3g, 1 IQ OP NF, Diluting liquid, 8mL 1 IQ LP NF, Refresh liquid, 8mL (1 IQ LP NF, 1 brush 00 IQ LP NF, 1 brush 2, 1 IQ LP NF, 1 color char IQ LP NF
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ LiSi Advanced Set, GC Initial LiSi, Enamel Occlusal EO-15 20g, fluo-dentin, FD-91/FD-92/FD-93, 20g, enamel opal, EOP-2/EOP-3-EOP-4, 20g, Cervical translucent CT-22/CT-22/CT-23/CT-24/CT-25, 20g, inside IN-41/IN-42/IN-43/IN-44/IN-45/IN-46/IN-47/IN-48/IN-49/IN-50/IN-51, 20g, modeling liquid, 50mL
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Chroma Shades TL Set, set of GC Initial MC CST (20g of each, A, B, BL, C, D, L &M; GC Initial MC Modeling liquid (25mL), GC Initial Measurement Spoon Set, shade guide, technical manual
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Classic Line Work Set 2, 8 paste opaque classic linPO-CL A4, B1, B4, C1, C2, C4, D2, D4 -4g, GC Initial IQ One body concept Fluo Crystals 9g, 8 dentin D-A4, B1, B4, C1, C2, C4, D2, D4-20g, 2 bleach dentin BLD-1 light, BLD-3 xwhite-20g, 8 opaque dentin OD-A4, B1, B4, C1, C2, C4, D2, D4-20g, 2 enamel E-57, 60-20g, correction powder COR (20g), paste opaque thinner 8mL, modeling liquid 50 mL.
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Paste Opaques CL Set, 16xpaste opaque classic line, 4g, 1 Paste opaque thinner 8mL
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Classic Line Welcome Set, Paste opaque classic line (PO-CL A3), 4g, dentin D-13 20g, Enamel E-59, 20g, modeling liquid 25mL, Invivo/Insitu Glaze liquid 25mL, Invivo/Insitu Glaze powder GL 10g, GC Initial Inmetalbond 4g
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Classic Line Work Set 1, 8 paste opaque classic line (PO-CL A4, B1, B4, C1, C2, C4, D2, D4 - 4g, GC Initial IQ One ody Concept Fluo crystals (8g), 8 dentin (D-A4, B1, B4, C1, C2, C4, D2, D4 20g), 2 bleach dentin BLD-1 light and BLD-3 Xwhite-20g, 8 opaque dentin (OD-A4, B1, B4, C1, C2, C4, D2 D4-20g, 2 Enamel E-57 & 60-20g, correction powder COR-20g, paste opaque thinner 8mL, modeling liquid 50mL
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Zr, LR Liner Set, 1 liner 1 3g powder, 1 liner 2 3g powder, 1 liner 3 3g powder, 1 liner 4 3g powderl 1 liner 5 3g powder, 1 liner 6 3g powder, 1 liner 7 3g powder, 1 liner thinner liquid (25mL).
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ IQ Layering-over-Zircon Set, 1 body A 50g powder, 1 body B 50g powder, 1 body C 50g powder,1 body D 50g powder, 1 body BL 50g powder, 1 liner 1 3g powder, 1 liner 2 3g powder, 1 liner 3 3g powder, 1 liner 4 3g powder, 1 liner 5 3g powder, 1 liner 6 3gpowder, 1 liner 7 3g powder, 1 modeling liquid 25mL, 1 liner thinner liquid 25mL.
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Lustre Paste NF Set, 1 diluting liquid 10mL, 1 lustre Paste, Neutral 2.5g, 1 lustre body shade A 2.5g, 1 lustre body shade B 2.5g, 1 lustre body shade C 2.5g, 1 lustre body shade D 2.5g, 1 enamel effect shade 1 2.5g, 1 enamel effect shade 2 2.5g 1, enamel effect shade 3 2.5g, 1 enamel effect shade 4 2.5g, 1 enamel effect shade 5 2.5g, 1 enamel effect shade 6 2.5g, 1 enamel effect shade 7 2.5g
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ One Body, Layering-over-Metal Set, 1 body A 50g powder, 1 body B 50g powder, 1 body C 50g powder, 1 body D 50g powder, 1 GC initial opauqe glass plate, 1 GC Initial Opaque brush, 1 GC Initial MC Modeling liquid (25mL), 1 GC Initial MC Paste Opaques (A2, A3, B3, C2, D2).
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Press-over-Zircon Set, 1x4g of each, Powder frame modifier-Zr-PFM-1, PFM-2, PFM-3, PFM-4, 5x2g of each, Effect Ingot A1-Zr, A2-ZR, B1-Zr, B2-Zr, C1-Zr, C2,-Zr, D2-Zr, Bleach A0-Zr, Bleach B0-Zr, Bleach B00-Zr, 1x5g each, correction powder A1-Zr, A2-Zr,
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Press-over-Metal Set, Fluo Crystals, 5x2g, effect ingots A1-M, A2-M, B1-M, B2-M, C1-M, C2-M, D2-M, Bleach A0M, Bleach B0-M, Bleach B00-M, 1 x5g, correction powders A1-M, A2-M, B1-M, B2-M, C1-M, C2-M, D2-M, Bleach A0-M, Bleach B0-M, Bleac B00-M
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Zr-FS Gum Shades Set, 1 Frame Modifier FM-5, 1 GM-23, 1 GM-24, 1 GM-34, 1 GM-35, 1 GM-36, 1 modeling liquid 25mL
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Gum Shades Set, Paste Opaque, 1 Opaque Modifier GO-U, 1 GM-23, 1 GM-24, 1 GM-34, 1 GM-35, 1 GM-36, 1 Modeling Liquid 25mL, 1 Opaque liquid 25mL powder Opaque set
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Gum Shades Set, Powder Opaque, 1 Opaque Modifier GO-U, 1GM-23, 1 GM-24, 1 GM-34, 1 GM-35, 1 GM-36, 1 Modeling liquid 25mL, 1 opaque liquid 25mL powder opaque set
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Ti Bleach Set, Opaque Modifier (OM-1), Dentin (20g) BLD-1, BLD-2, Bleach Enamel (20g) BL-E, Enamel Opalescence (20g) EOP-1, Fluo Dentine (20g) FD-91, Modeling Liquid (2x25mL), Opaque Liquid (1.25mL)
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Zr Bleach Set, Frame Modifier (BL-FM), Dentin (20g) BLD-1, BLD-2, Bleach Enamel (20g) BL-E, Enamel Opalescence (20g) EOP-1, Fluo Dentine (20g) FD-91, Modeling Liquid
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ AL Bleach Set, Liner (BL-Lin), Dentin (20g), BLD-1, BLD-2, Bleach Enamel (20g) BL-E, Enamel Opalescence (20g) EOP-1, Fluo Dentine (20g) FD-91, Modeling Liquid (2x25mL)
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ LF Bleach Set, Opaque Modifier (OM-1), Dentin (20g) BLD-1, BLD-2, Bleach Enamel (20g) BL-E, Enamel Opalescence (20g) EOP-1, Fluo Dentint (20g) FD-91; Modeling Liquid (2x25mL), Opaque Liquid (1x25mL)
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Bleach Set, Opaque Modifier (OM-1); Dentin (20g) BLD-1, BLD-2,Bleach Enamel (20g) BL-E, Enamel Opalescence (20g) EOP-1, Fluo Dentine (20g) FD-91; Modeling Liquid (2x25mL), Opaque Liquid (1x25mL)
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Standard Set
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Lustre Paste NF Plastic Cover
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Lustre Paste NF Mixing Dish
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Lustre Paste NF Brush 2
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Lustre Paste NF Brush 00
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Inmetalbond Contains: Quantity of 2 (4 g each; 8 g) pastes.
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Entrance Kit Powder Opaque
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Std Set Powder Opaque
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Basic Plus Set Powder Opaque, 6 powder opaque modifier, 16 opaque dentin, 2 opaqus dentin modifier, 7 shoulder transparent, 3 shoulder opaque, 5 translucent modifier, 4 enamel intensive, 1 correction powder, 1 opaque liquid, 1 shoulder liquid, 1 modeling liquid, 3 shade guides
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
4 enamel, 3 Inside, 1 Clear Fluorescence, 2 translucent, 1 MC LF Invivo/Insitu Glaze powder, 1 MC, LF Incisio INC, 1 modeling liquid, 1 MC LF Invivo/Insitu Glaze Liquid, 1 opaque liquid, 2 shade guides
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Ti Entrance Kit Contains: Powder Opaque (OA3); Opaqus Dentin (ODA3); Enamel (E-58 and E-59); INside (IN-44); Clear Fluorescence (CL-F); Enamel Opal (EOP2); Glaze Powder (10 g); Glaze Liquid (25 mL); Modeling Liquid (50 mL); Opaque Liquid (50 mL).
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Zr Entrance Kit, Frame Modifier (FM-2), Dentin (DA3), Enamel (E-58, E-59), Inside (IN-44), Clear Fluorescence (CL-F), Fluo-Dentin (FD-93) Enamel Opal (EOP2), Glaze Powder & Liquid, Modeling liquid
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ AL Entrance Kit, Liner (A3/A3.5/A4/Cf), Dentin (DA3), Enamel (E-58, E-59), Inside (IN-44), Clear Fluorescence (CL-F), Enamel Opal (EOP2), Glaze Powder & Liquid, Modeling Liquid
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ LF Entrance Kit Contains: Powder Opaque (OA3); Opaqus Dentin (ODA3); Enamel (E-58 and E-59); INside (IN-44); Clear Fluorescence (CL-F); Enamel Opal (EOP2); Glaze Powder (10 g); Glaze Liquid (25 mL); Modeling Liquid (50 mL); Opaque Liquid (50 mL).
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ MC Entrance Kit, Paste Opaque (OA3), Opaque Dentin (ODA3), Enamel (E-58, E-59), Inside (IN-44_, Clear Fluorescence (CL-F), Enamel Opal (EOP2), Glaze Powder & Liquid, Modeling Liquid, Opaque Liquid (25mL)
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Connector Paste MC/LF Connector Paste 6g
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ PC Starter Package, Press pellets (20 x 5 pcs), dentin A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B2, B3, B4, C2, C3, D3, bleached AO, BO, Veneer Enamel VE-2, Occlusal OL-2, OM-2, Translucent TD-1, TD-2, Tn, Opaque OP-1, OP-3. One way press plungers, 5, ringbase system large, silicone ring large 1, GC PressINvest powder (20x100g), GC PressINvest liquid (2x200ml)
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Stain Set INvivo/INsitu AL,Zr,Ti Invivo (fluorescence) 13, Insitu (nonfluorescence) 3, Glaze Powder (10g) 1, liquid 25mL Glaze liquid, 1
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Stain Set INvivo/INsitu MC, LF, PC Invivo(fluorescence) 13, Insitu (nonfluorescence) 3, Glaze Powder (10g) Liquid 25mL Glaze liquid
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Ti Advanced Set Contains: Inside 11; Cervical Translucent 5; Enamel Occlusal 3; Enamel Opal 4; Fluo-Dentin 3; Gingival Universal; Modeling Liquid (50 mL). Shade Guides are not included.
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Ti Basic Plus Set Contains: Powder Opaque Modifier 6; Opaque Dentin 16; Opaqus Dentin Modifier 2; Shoulder Transparent 3; Translucent Modifier 5; Enamel Intensive 4; Correction Powder; Opaque Liquid (50 mL); Shoulder Liquid (50 mL); Modeling Liquid (50mL)
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Ti Basic Set Contains: Powder Opaque 16; Dentin 16; Enamel 4; INside Basic 3; Clear Fluorescence; Translucent 2; Glaze; INcisio; Opaque Liquid (50 mL); Glaze Liquid (25 mL); Modeling Liquid (50 mL). Shade Guides are not included.
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Zr Advanced SetINside 11, Cervical translucent 5, Enamel Occlusal 3, Enamel Opal 4, Fluo-Dentin 3, Gingival Universal, 50mL modeling liquid
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ Zr Basic Set Frame Modifier 3, Dentin 16, Enamel 4, Inside Basic 3, Clear Fluorescence, Translucent 2, Glaze, Incisio, 25mL Glaze liquid, 50mL modeling liquid
GC Initial™
Gc America Inc.
GC Initial™ AL Advanced Set, Inside 11, Cervical Translucent 5, Enamel Occlusal 3, Enamel Opal 4, Shoulder Transparent 7, Shoulder Opaque 3, Fluo-Dentin 3, Gingival Universal 1, Correction Powder 1, Liquids 50mL modeling liquid, 50mL Shoulder liquid
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