Home/Specialty/Neurology/Stimulator, Auditory, Evoked Response

Stimulator, Auditory, Evoked Response

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Ear Coupler Set
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Coupler Set (25 pcs.)
Accessory Box AB06
PATH medical GmbH
Accessory box including:1. 8pcs. Probe Tip PT-S. AN100014-W2. 1pcs. Test cavity for PT-S. AN1001603. 1pcs. Cleaning tool. AN1001514. 20pcs. Ear tip ET-S02. AN1000305. 20pcs. Ear tip ET-S03. AN1000316. 20pcs. Ear tip ET-S10. AN1000327. 20pcs. Ear tip ET-S11. AN100840
Accessory box AB03
PATH medical GmbH
Accessory Set with Bio-Logic Branding including:4pcs. 100013 Probe Tip PT-A4pcs. 100014-W Probe Tip PT-S1pc. 100129 Test Cavity PT-A1pc. 100160 Test Cavity PT-S10pcs. 100063 Ear Tip ET-0310pcs. 100064 Ear Tip ET-107pcs 100125 Ear Tip ET-115pcs. 100839 Ear Tip Soft ET-176pcs. 100838 Ear Tip Soft ET-1610pcs. 100144 Ear Tip ET-134pcs. 100230 Ear Tip Soft ET-1410pcs. 100030 Ear Tip ET-S0210pcs. 100031 Ear Tip ET-S0310pcs. 100032 Ear Tip ET-S1010pcs. 100840 Ear Tip Soft ET-S111pc. 100151 Cleaning Tool CT-01
Insert Earphone PIEP
PATH medical GmbH
Bio-Logic branded PIEP (IP-05)
Sentiero Advanced NavPRO One Set
PATH medical GmbH
content:- carrying bag A/N100503- USB cable A/N100089- ABR electrodes A/N100468- NavPRO One A/N100360-NPO- Electrode trunk cable A/N100881- electrode lead cable A/N100891-1- Heaphone HB7/DD45 A/N100306-US- Probe EP-DP PATH long A/N100028-US- Bone Conductor B71 A/N100344- Gooseneck Microphone A/N100779- FW ABR 100337- FW eABR A/N100929- FW ASSR A/N100465- FW ECochG A/N100464- FW TEOAE A/N100109- FW DPOAE A/N100110- FW FMPDOAE A/N100536- FW DPHiRES A/N100537- FW PTA3 A/N 100114- FW High Frequency A/N100454- FW Magic A/N100112- FW Labelprinter A/N100414- FW Mira PC- Software A/N100116- Accessory Box Combo A/N100261- Power Supply US Sentiero Advanced A/N100268-US- User Manual A/N100904-EN-BL
Sentiero Desktop AuDX PRO Flex Set
PATH medical GmbH
content:- carrying bag A/N100503- USB Cable A/N100418- AuDX PRO Flex A/N100434-AUPF- Probe EP-TY A/N100188-US- Insert Earphone Bio- Logic A/N100860-BL- Bone Conductor B71 A/N100344- Gooseneck Microphone A/N100779- FW Reflex & Tymp Class1 A/N100561- FW TEOAE A/N100109- FW DPOAE A/N100110- FW FMDPOAE A/N100536- FW DPHiRES A/N100537- FW Mira PC- Software A/N100116- FW PTA3 A/N100114- FW High Frequency A/N100454- FW Magic A/N100112- FW Labelprinter A/N100414- Accessory Box Combo A/N100261- Power Supply Senti/Sentiero Desktop US A/N100524- User Manual A/N100904-EN-BL- Test Cavity Tymp A/N100549
Sentiero Basic AuDX PRO Set
PATH medical GmbH
Basic Set for AuDX PRO branded SentieroContent:- carrying bag A/N100503- USB cable A/N100089- AuDX PRO A/N100098-AUP- Headphone HDA300 A/N100630- Probe EP-DP PATH long A/N100028-US- Gooseneck microphone A/N 100779- FW TEOAE A/N100109- FW DPOAE A/N100110- FW FMDPOAE A/N100536- FW DPHiRES A/N 100537- FW PTA Class 3 A/N100114- FW High frequency A/N100454- FW Magic A/N100112- Speech material Spondees child A/N100463-UT08- Speech material Spondees adult A/N100463-UT10- Speech material NU-6 A/N100463-UT11- Speech material CID W-22 A/N100463-UT12- Speech material PBK-50 A/N100463-UT13- Speech material Maryland CNC A/N100463-UT15- FW Live A/N100825- FW Mira PC- Software A/N100116- FW Labelprinter A/N100414- Accessory box combo A/N100261- Power Supply Sentiero US A/N100083-US- User Manual A/N100904-EN-BL
Sentiero Basic AuDX Set
PATH medical GmbH
Basic Set for AuDX branded SentieroContent:- carrying bag A/N100503- USB cable A/N100089- AuDX A/N100098-AU- Headphone HB7/DD45 A/N100306-US- Probe EP-DP PATH long A/N100028-US- FW TEOAE Quick A/N100109-QUICK- FW DPOAE Quick A/N100110-QUICK- FW FMDPOAE A/N100536- FW PTA Class 4 Advanced A/N100653- FW Magic A/N100112- FW Mira PC- Software A/N100116- FW Labelprinter A/N100414- Accessory box combo A/N100261- Power Supply Sentiero US A/N100083-US- User Manual A/N100904-EN-BL
NavPro ONE Device with touchscreen
PATH medical GmbH
NavPRO One branded Sentiero Advanced
AuDX PRO FLEX Device with touchscreen
PATH medical GmbH
AuDX PRO Flex branded Sentiero Desktop
AuDX PRO Device with touchscreen
PATH medical GmbH
AuDX PRO branded Sentiero
AuDX Device with touchscreen
PATH medical GmbH
AuDX branded Sentiero
Ear Tip IT-03 Pack/250 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-03 Pack/100 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-03 Pack/50 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-02 Pack/250 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-02 Pack/100 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-02 Pack/50 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-01 Pack/250 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-01 Pack/100 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Ear Tip IT-01 Pack/50 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Insert Earphone Tips
Bone Conductor B81
PATH medical GmbH
Bone conductor with patient response button for Sentiero
Bone Conductor B81
PATH medical GmbH
Bone conductor for Sentiero
Bone Conductor B81
PATH medical GmbH
Bone conductor for Sentiero Advanced / Sentiero Desktop
Ear Coupler Cable
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Coupler Cable (PECC-01)
Probe Tip 'small' PT-S 100pack
PATH medical GmbH
Probe Tip 'small' PT-S 10pack
PATH medical GmbH
Probe Tip 'small' PT-S 5pack
PATH medical GmbH
Probe Tip 'Adult' PT-A 10pack
PATH medical GmbH
Probe Tip 'Adult' PT-A 5pack
PATH medical GmbH
Probe Tip 'small' PT-S 10pack
PATH medical GmbH
Probe Tip 'small' PT-S 5pack
PATH medical GmbH
Sentiero Desktop AuditData Tymp + OAE
PATH medical GmbH
Sentiero Desktop Auditdata Diagnsotic Set AD2, Tymp+ OAE.Content:1. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DW2. Ear probe EP-TY AN100188-US3. USB data cable AN1004184. Software label printer AN1004145. FW Screening Tymp Class 2 AN1005606. FW DPOAE AN1001107. FW FMDPOAE AN1005368. FW DPHiRes AN1005379. Accessory box for Tymp Auditdata AN100587-AD10. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P11. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or 101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally12. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally13. Test cavity tymp AN100549
Sentiero Desktop AuditData Tymp only
PATH medical GmbH
Sentiero Desktop Auditdata Diagnsotic Set AD1, Tymp only.Content:1. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DW2. Ear probe EP-TY AN100188-US3. USB data cable AN1004184. Software label printer AN1004145. FW Screening Tymp Class 2 AN1005606. Accessory box for Tymp Auditdata AN100587-AD7. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P8. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or 101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally9. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally10. Test cavity tymp AN100549
Accessory Box AB04 (Auditdata)
PATH medical GmbH
Accessory box for Tymp probeContent:1. Transparent Lurex Box 11 compartments. AN1003362. Probe Tip 'Adult' for Children & Adults. AN1000133. Probe Tip 'Small' for Babies. AN100014-W4. Test cavity for EP-DP and EP-TE with Ear Probe Tip A. AN1001295. Ear tip ET-03 5 mm. AN1000636. Ear tip Lamella 6-10mm, blue. AN1000647. Ear Tip, Lamella 8-11mm. AN1001448. Ear tip ET-11 Lamella 12-16mm. AN1001259. EarTip Soft ET-16 10mm. AN10083810. Ear tip Soft ET-17 14 mm. AN10083911. EarTip ET-20 14mm mushroom. AN10057612. EarTip ET-21 18mm mushroom. AN10057713. Cleaning tool. AN100151
Sentiero Desktop (Auditdata)
PATH medical GmbH
Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic)
Insert Earphone PIEP
PATH medical GmbH
Headphone DD-65
PATH medical GmbH
Bone Conductor B71W
PATH medical GmbH
Bone conductor for Sentiero
Sentiero Desktop Diagnostic
PATH medical GmbH
Sentiero Desktop Screening TY / Diagnostic Set US14Content:1. Carton for Sentiero Desktop AN1007282. Sentiero Desktop (Tymp Diagnostic) AN100434-DG3. USB data cable AN1004184. Probe EP-TY long AN100188-US5. Headphone Interacoustics DD-45 with HB7 calibrated, incl. EEPROM AN100306-US6. Patient Response button AN1001717. FW Screening Tymp class 2 AN1005608. FW Tymp 1000 Hz AN1006899. FW PTA class 3 AN10011410. DPOAE Software AN10011011. FMDPOAE Software AN10053612. PC based Patient Management, Mira Software: Patient data & result transfer from instrument to PC, reporting options, export functions, printing via PC, data archive for Windows 10, Windows 7 etc. AN10011613. Software label printer AN10041414. Accessory box for Tymp probe AN10058715. Accessory box AB08 AN100734-P16. Power supply Senti / Sentiero Desktop FW7662M AN100524 or FW8002.1M AN101360 optionally17. Power supply adapter Senti / Sentiero Desktop USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS AN100525-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS or AN101251-USA/-UK/-EU/-AUS optionally18. Test cavity tymp AN100549
Ear Tip Soft ET-17 Pack/250 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip Soft ET-17 Pack/100 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip Soft ET-17 Pack/50 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip Soft ET-16 Pack/250 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip Soft ET-16 Pack/100 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip Soft ET-16 Pack/50 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip ET-S11 Pack/250 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip ET-S11 Pack/100 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Ear Tip ET-S11 Pack/50 pcs.
PATH medical GmbH
Headphone HDA 300
PATH medical GmbH