Normalizing Quantitative Electroencephalograph Software
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cortiQ PRO
g.tec medical engineering GmbH
cortiQ PRO is a system that uses g.HIamp to map high-gamma broad band brain activity while running an experimental paradigm. The software helps to identify electrode positions coding differences in brain activity by means of experimental paradigm. cortiQ PRO performs the signal analysis in real-time and compares the high-gamma broad band activity during specific tasks. Then it performs a statistical analysis and visualizes electrodes coding the information that are statistically significant. It is abstracted from technical details of data acquisition, channel order and signal processing assuring robust and efficient measurements.
Baseline Headset
Brainscope Company, Inc.
A variant of the electrode headset that is to be used for Baseline sessions.
BrainScope One
Brainscope Company, Inc.
BrainScope Part Number 99-1801-100 (SKU: BSO-2001)Contains Device Identifier (DI) 00852745007222 - this is the DI for the BrainScope One Device.