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Camera, Ophthalmic, Slit-Scanning

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Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
The CLARUS is an active, non-contact, software controlled, high resolution imaging device for in-vivo imaging of the human eye. The CLARUS ophthalmic camera is indicated to capture, display, annotate and store images to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases and disorders occurring in the retina, ocular surface and visible adnexa. It provides true color and autofluorescence imaging modes for stereo, widefield, ultra-widefield, and montage fields of view. The CLARUS Review Software can be installed on a separate review station (PC or laptop) for data review and analysis.
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
The CLARUS 700 is an active, non-contact, software controlled, high resolution imaging device for in-vivo imaging of the human eye.The CLARUS 700 ophthalmic camera is indicated to capture, display, annotate and store images to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases and disorders occurring in the retina, ocular surface and visible adnexa. It provides true color and autofluorescence imaging modes for stereo, widefield, ultra-widefield, and montage fields of view.The CLARUS 700 angiography is indicated as an aid in the visualization of vascular structures of the retina and the choroid.
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
The CLARUS 500 is an active, non-contact, software controlled, high resolution imaging device for in-vivo imaging of the human eye. The CLARUS 500 ophthalmic camera is indicated to capture, display, annotate and store images to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases and disorders occurring in the retina, ocular surface and visible adnexa. It provides true color and autofluorescence imaging modes for stereo, widefield, ultra-widefield, and montage fields of view.