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Abmrc LLC

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BiWaze Clear System
Abmrc LLC
The BiWaze Clear System assists patients in loosening and mobilizing secretions as well as treating and preventing atelectasis by providing lung expansion and high frequency oscillation therapies. The BiWaze Clear System may be used with a patient interface like face mask, mouthpiece, a trach adapter to a patient’s endotracheal or tracheostomy tube. It is for use on adult or paediatric patients in acute, post-acute, and home care environments.The BiWaze Clear System is indicated to deliver therapy to adults and children over the age of 2 years in the acute care setting.The BiWaze Clear System is indicated to deliver therapy to adults and children over the age of 5 years in the home care setting
BiWaze Cough
Abmrc LLC
This device is designed for use on patients unable to cough or clear secretions effectively due to reduced peak cough expiratory flow, resulting from high spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular deficits or severe fatigue associated with intrinsic lung disease. It may be used either with a facemask, mouthpiece, or an adapter to a patient's endotrachealtube or tracheostomy tube. For use in hospital, institutional setting, or at home. For use on adult patients and paediatric patients 3 years old and up.