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Airsonett AB

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Airsonett AIR-4 A-1100
Airsonett AB
Exchangeable filter to Airsonett AIR-4
Airsonett AIR-4
Airsonett AB
Airsonett is based on the Temperature controlled Laminar Airflow (TLA) technology. The air from the room enters the Airsonett and passes a filter that captures allergens and other particles. The filtered air is cooled to slightly below the ambient room temperature and is supplied with a low velocity from the air supply nozzle. Since the filtered air is slightly cooler, and therefore heavier than the surrounding air, the filtered air will descend slowly from the air supply nozzle by means of gravity in a laminar manner (non-turbulent). This descending colder air counteracts the body convection, displaces the allergen load in the breathing zone and thus dramatically reduces the level of inhalant allergens for the patient all through the night.