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Athlos Oy

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DC-Air™ Intraoral Sensor
Athlos Oy
DC-Air™ Intraoral Sensor is intended for radiographic examination to assist with diagnosis of diseases of the teeth, jaw, and oral structure. The sensor is intended to capture an intraoral x-ray image, when exposed to x-rays, for dental diagnostic purposes.
DC-Air™ Holder Pack
Athlos Oy
DC-Air™ Holder Pack is intended to position and to hold x-ray sensor inside the mouth of the patient.
DC-Air™ Docking Station
Athlos Oy
DC-Air™ Docking Station is intended for use as a data transfer pathway between the DC-Air™ Intraoral Sensor and a PC or laptop, and as a charging station for the DC-Air™ Intraoral Sensor.
DC-Air™ Intraoral Sensor
Athlos Oy
DC-Air™ Intraoral Sensor is intended for radiographic examination to assist with diagnosis of diseases of the teeth, jaw, and oral structure. The sensor is intended to capture an intraoral x-ray image, when exposed to x-rays, for dental diagnostic purposes.