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Crane Dental Laboratory, Inc.

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Sapphire Herbst
Crane Dental Laboratory, Inc.
The Crane Acrylic Herbst Appliance is comprised of upper and lower patient-specific acrylic splints,connected bilaterally via a telescoping Herbst mechanism that orients the jaw in a predeterminedrelationship. The Herbst mechanism allows the patient vertical and lateral range of movementwhile the jaws are oriented in the biting relationship determined by the positioning of themechanism as it connects to the respective arch splint.The appliance positions the lower jaw forward and open vertically from its normal location whichcauses a protrusion in the mandible in relation to the maxilla. The appliance aims through thisrepositioning (which is temporary while the appliance is being used) to increase air exchange, andto reduce snoring and apnea by increasing pharyngeal space.The prescribing dentist determines the repositioning of the mandible through a patient-specificprotrusive bite registration taken by the dentist. The dentist is also able to adjust the mandible'sposition by altering the Herbst mechanism, and/or adjusting the acrylic portion of the device. TheAcrylic Splint Herbst Appliance is removable by the patient, and is worn while sleeping to supportthe mandible in a forward position determined by the prescribing dentist.
Dorsal Comfort Fit
Crane Dental Laboratory, Inc.
The Sapphire Dorsal Comfort Fit is an intraoral device used for treating snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. It consists of custom fitted trays which fit over the upper and lower teeth. The device functions as a mandibular repositioner, which acts to increase the patient’s pharyngeal space during sleep and improves their ability to exchange air during sleep. The device is custom made for each patient and has an expansion screw adjustment mechanism enabling the amount of mandibular advancement to be set by the dentist or physician at the time of fitting the device.