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Elitechgroup Mdx LLC

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DSQ Alert Internal Control Set IC2
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The DSQ Alert IC2 Probe Mix contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide probe designed to detect the IC2 nucleic acid sequence
DSQ Alert Candida auris Probe Mix ASR
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
DSQ Alert™ Candida auris Probe Mix ASR is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acid sequences within the ITS2 of Candida auris.
DSQ Alert Candida auris Primer Mix ASR
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
DSQ Alert™ Candida auris Primer Mix ASR is an analyte specific reagent that contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify an 125 bp region within the ITS2 gene of Candida auris. The mix consists of a single vial containing a set of primers in a 1X TE buffer solution.
MGB Alert ELITaq Master Mix, 480 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert ELITaq Master Mix is a premixed ready-to-use solution containing necessary components and reaction buffer for efficient amplification of DNA templates by PCR. The solution is supplied at 2X relative to the optimal final concentration in the PCR, and contains 2X reaction buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2, and DNA polymerase with 5’ - 3’ exonuclease activity. PCR grade water is also provided in the product.
MGB Alert 2X ELITaq Master Mix, 48rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert ELITaq Master Mix is a premixed ready-to-use solution containing necessary components and reaction buffer for efficient amplification of DNA templates by PCR. The solution is supplied at 2X relative to the optimal final concentration in the PCR, and contains 2X reaction buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2, and DNA polymerase with 5’ - 3’ exonuclease activity. PCR grade water is also provided in the product.
MGB Alert MS2 Internal Control RNA Template (480uL volume)
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control MS2 RNA Template consists of an RNA bacteriophage intended for use as an internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The MS2 Internal Control can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The internal control is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert MS2 Internal Control DNA Template (250uL volume)
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control MS2 DNA Template consists of a DNA plasmid intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The MS2 Internal Control can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The internal control is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert IC2 Internal Control Template (250uL volume)
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control IC2 Template consists of a DNA plasmid intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The IC2 Internal Control can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The internal control is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert IC2 Internal Control Template
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control IC2 Template consists of a DNA plasmid intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The IC2 Internal Control can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The internal control is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert IC1 Internal Control Template
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control IC1 Template consists of a DNA plasmid intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The IC1 Internal Control can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The internal control is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert® Internal Control set IC1 DSQ
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1 DSQ contains the MGB Alert IC1 DNA Template, the MGB Alert IC1 v3.0 Primers, and the MGB AlertIC1 DSQ Probe. When used as intended, the Internal Control Set IC1 DSQ will detect systemic variation that may arise during the nucleic acidextraction and amplification processes associated with real-time PCR assays.
MGB Alert® BKV ASR v3.0 Probe Mix
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® BK Virus ASR v3.0 Probe Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to detect nucleic acids from the BKVirus. The mix consists of a total of 0.64 nmol of DSQ probe per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is specific to a region of the majorcapsid protein VP1 gene of the BK Virus.
MGB Alert® BKV ASR v3.0 Primer Mix, 48 reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® BK Virus ASR v3.0 Probe Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to detect nucleic acids from the BKVirus. The mix consists of a total of 0.64 nmol of DSQ probe per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is specific to a region of the majorcapsid protein VP1 gene of the BK Virus
MGB Alert® Internal Control set IC1 DSQ
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1 DSQ contains the MGB Alert IC1 DNA Template, the MGB Alert IC1 v3.0 Primers, and the MGB AlertIC1 DSQ Probe. When used as intended, the Internal Control Set IC1 DSQ will detect systemic variation that may arise during the nucleic acidextraction and amplification processes associated with real-time PCR assays.
MGB Alert® BKV ASR v3.0 Probe Mix
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® BK Virus ASR v3.0 Probe Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to detect nucleic acids from the BKVirus.
MGB Alert® BKV ASR v3.0 Primer Mix
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® BK Virus ASR v3.0 Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acids from the BK Virus.
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
SARS-CoV-2 ELITe MGB® Assay is a real-time RT-PCR test intended for the presumptive qualitative detection of nucleic acid from the SARS-CoV-2 in nasal, nasopharyngeal, and oropharyngeal swabs from individuals with signs and symptoms of infection who are suspected of COVID-19.
MGB Alert MS2 RNA Internal Control in TE-Yeast RNA
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MS2 RNA Internal Control in TE-Yeast RNA
MGB Alert® HHV6 2.0 Probe Mix ASR - 48 Reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® HHV-6 2.0 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleicacid sequences from the U67 gene of Human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) and Human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B). The mix consists of one probe at 0.56nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein, which has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and anemission wavelength maxima of 516 nm. "
MGB Alert® HHV6 2.0 Primer Mix ASR - 48 Reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® HHV-6 2.0 Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequences from Humanherpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) and Human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B). The mix consists of a total of 2.8 nmol of primers per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution.The primers amplify a region of the U67 gene."
MGB Alert® Bordetella P/PP Primer Mix ASR - 48 Reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® B. pertussis / B. parapertussis Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acidsequences from Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis. The mix consists of a total of 6.0 nmol of primers per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution.The primers amplify insertion sequence IS481 in Bordetella pertussis and insertion sequence IS1001 in Bordetella parapertussis."
HSV 1&2 ELITe MGB Assay for CE-IVD
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The HSV 1&2 ELITe MGB® Assay is a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based qualitative in vitro diagnostic test for the direct detection and differentiation of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) DNA in cutaneous or mucocutaneous lesion swab specimens from patients with signs and symptoms of HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection.
MGB Alert® Bordetella P/PP Probe Mix ASR - 48 Reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® B. pertussis / B. parapertussis Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designedto detect nucleic acid sequences from the insertion sequence IS481 in Bordetella pertussis and insertion sequence IS1001 in Bordetella parapertussis.The mix consists of two probes at 1.12 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probes are labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein, which has anexcitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm."
MGB Alert®Internal Control 1C Set, 480 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1-C consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC1-C can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes
MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix with water-480rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays whichtarget DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates nodiagnostic information or data."
MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix, with water-48rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays which target DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates no diagnostic information or data.
MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix-480rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays which target DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates no diagnostic information or data.
MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix, 09N41-005
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays which target DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates no diagnostic information or data.
MGB Alert 2X PCR Master Mix 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix containinga non-Taq thermostable enzyme lacking exonuclease activity and provided in antibodyinactivated form. An initial high-temperature incubation step denatures the antibodies toactivate the enzyme. The master mix also includes Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) anddUTP to prevent carry-over contamination. MGB Alert PCR Enhancer and MGB Alert 25 mMMgCl2 are provided for additional flexibility in optimizing reaction conditions.
MGB Alert® Chlamydophila Pneumoniae Probe Mix ASR - 48 Reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® Chlamydophila pneumoniae Probe is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect the Major Outer Membrane protein gene region of Chlamydophila pneumoniae. The mix consists of one probe at 0.72 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is labeled with fluorescein (FAM) and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 496 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 517 nm.
MGB Alert® Chlamydophila Pneumoniae Primer Mix ASR - 48 Reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® Chlamydophila pneumoniae Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequencesfrom Chlamydophila pneumoniae . The mix consists of a total of 7.20 nmol of primers per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The primers amplify an 80 bpnucleic acid sequence from the Major Outer Membrane Protein gene region of Chlamydophila pneumoniae."
MGB Alert One-Step Reverse Transcriptase PCR Master Mix
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert One-Step Reverse Transcriptase PCR Master Mix package includes a 2X mastermix containing a thermostable polymerase with exonuclease activity and provided in hot-start format.Included are 100X reverse transcriptase, 50X RNase inhibitor, and RNase-free water in separatetubes.
MGB Alert 2X PCR Master Mix 480 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix containing a non-Taq thermostable enzyme lacking exonuclease activity and provided in antibody inactivated form. An initial high-temperature incubation step denatures the antibodies to activate the enzyme. The master mix also includes Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) and dUTP to prevent carry-over contamination. MGB Alert PCR Enhancer and MGB Alert 25 mM MgCl2 are provided for additional flexibility in optimizing reaction conditions.
MGB Alert HSV Typer AS Primer Mix ASR - 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® HSV Typer AS Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequences from HSV 1and 2 (Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2). The mix consists of a total of 1.0 nmol of primers per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The primers amplify a 54nucleic acid sequence from the glycoprotein D region of HSV 1 and 2."
MGB Alert® Adenovirus Probe Mix ASR-48rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® Adenovirus Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to detect nucleicacid sequences within the hexon gene, which is present in all known Adenovirus types. The mix consists of two probes at 1.12 nmol per vial in a 1X TEbuffer solution. The probes are labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein, which has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelengthmaxima of 516 nm.
MGB Alert® Adenovirus Primer Mix ASR - 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® Adenovirus Primer Mix contains chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotides designed to amplify nucleic acid sequences from Adenovirus.The mix consists of a total of 3.3 nmol of primers per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The primers amplify the hexon gene, which covers all knownAdenovirus types.
MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-H-48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-H consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplificationprocess control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC2-H can be used to detectsystemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set isnot intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1-A, 48 Rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1-A consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplificationprocess control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC1-A can be used to detectsystemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set isnot intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1-V 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1-V consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplificationprocess control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC1-V can be used to detectsystemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set isnot intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-C-480 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-C consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplificationprocess control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC2-C can be used to detectsystemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set isnot intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-C -48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-C consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplificationprocess control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC2-C can be used to detectsystemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set isnot intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert® Internal Control Set IC2-B, 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-B consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplification process control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC2-B can be used to detect systemic variation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set is not intended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2-48rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC2 consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplificationprocess control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC2 can be used to detect systemicvariation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set is notintended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1 -48rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
The MGB Alert Internal Control Set IC1 consists of reagents intended for use as an unassayed internal extraction and amplificationprocess control in any real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The Internal Control Set IC1 can be used to detect systemicvariation that may arise during the extraction and amplification process associated with real-time PCR assays. The set is notintended to monitor other real-time PCR processes.
MGB Alert HSV 1&2 Typer Probe Mix ASR - 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
MGB Alert® HSV 1 & 2 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleicacid sequences from HSV 1 and 2 (Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2). The mix consists of one probe at 0.2 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. Theprobe dye is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm.
MGB Alert HHV-6 Probe Mix ASR - 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® HHV-6 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acidsequences from HHV-6. The mix consists of one probe at 0.5 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluoresceinand has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm."
MGB Alert® EBV Probe Mix ASR - 48 Reactions
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® EBV Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acidsequences from EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus). The mix consists of one probe at 0.5 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm. "
MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Probe Mix ASR - 48 Reaction
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® CMV 3.0 Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleicacid sequences from CMV (Cytomegalovirus). The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm andan emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm. "
MGB Alert® BKV Probe Mix ASR-48rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® BK Virus Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleicacid sequences from BK Virus. The mix consists of one probe at 1.5 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. The probe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm."
MGB Alert® VZV Probe Mix ASR - 48 rxn
Elitechgroup Mdx LLC
"MGB Alert® VZV Probe Mix is an analyte specific reagent that contains a chemically synthesized DNA oligonucleotide designed to detect nucleic acidsequences within the ORF 38 region of VZV(Varicella-Zoster Virus). The mix consists of one probe at 0.5 nmol per vial in a 1X TE buffer solution. Theprobe is labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein and has an excitation wavelength maxima of 492 nm and an emission wavelength maxima of 516 nm."
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