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nCommand Lite System
The nCommand Lite system is a SaMD (Software as Medical Device) that is customer-facing and provides remote access through a webapplication for viewing/reviewing images as well as the ability to remotely provide real-time guidance to the near-patient licensedtechnologist (local users) operating the medical imaging devices in the context of training, procedure assessment, for MRI, CT, and PETMedical image management and processing systemCT scanner.Remote users are licensed technologists and are able to access an imaging medical device from a computer that meets the minimumrequired specifications anywhere, using a secure software connection that streams video and provides keyboard and mouse access. Thisallows remote users to assist local users, with both remote and local users' qualifications and responsibilities being subject to localregulations where the imaging occurs. This access must be granted by the local user using the system, and it can also be revoked at anytime by the local user, thus allowing him/her to maintain complete control of the session at all times. Also, each remote session iscontrolled via a secure credential that is managed by the local user. Connections to a medical device are limited to one remote session ata time to maintain strict control over who is remotely interacting with the system. Images reviewed remotely are not for diagnostic use.nCommand Lite is an IT hardware and software-based installation solution that supports multisession, allowing remote technologists toview multiple medical imaging devices as needed. However, access is restricted to one medical imaging device at any given time, as onlyone keyboard and one mouse are provided.Scanners that are compatible with nCommand Lite system comply with a common protocol, allowing for scanning parametermanagement and remote scanning.