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Medtest Dx, Inc.

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AST / BS200
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) in human serum using the Mindray BS-200 analyzer. 2 x 40 ml, 2 x 10 ml
AST / Polychem 180
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) in human serum using the Poly-Chem 180 analyzer.6 x 50 ml, 3 x 20 ml
AST / BS480
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) in human serum using the Mindray BS-480 analyzer.5 x 60 ml, 5 x 15 ml
Amylase / BS200
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) in serum using the Mindray BS-200 analyzer.3 x 40 ml
Amylase / BS480
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative kinetic determination of a-amylase activity in human serum using the Mindray BS-480 analyzer.6 x 20 ml
ALT / BS200
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) in serum using the Mindray BS-200 analyzer.2 x 40 ml, 2 x 10 ml
ALT Reagent
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative in vitro determination of Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) in serum and plasma.6 x 51 ml, 6 x 14 ml
ALT / BS480
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of alkaline phosphatase in human serum using the Mindray BS-480 analyzer. In vitro diagnostic medical device.5 x 60 ml, 5 x 15 ml.
MedTest DX Alkaline Phosphatase
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of alkaline phosphatase in human serum using the Mindray BS-200 analyzer. For in vitro diagnostic use only.100 ml kit
ALP Reagent
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative in vitro determination of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) in serum and plasma. 6 x 51 ml, 6 x 14 ml
Alkaline Phos/ BS480
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Albumin in serum using the Mindray BS-480 analyzer. In vitro diagnostic medical device.3 x 60 ml, 3 x 15 ml
Albumin / BS200
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Albumin in serum using the Mindray BS-200 analyzer. 4 x 40 ml
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative in vitro determination of Albumin in serum and plasma on the Polychem 180 analyzer. 9 x 51 ml
Albumin / BS480
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For the quantitative determination of Albumin in serum using the Mindray BS-480 analyzer. In vitro diagnostic medical device.8 x 60 ml
Wash Concentrate 3
Medtest Dx, Inc.
This product will be used as a concentrated wash solution on automated analyzers. 6 x 25 ml.
Wash Concentrate 2
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For use as a cleaning solution on automated analyzers. 6 x 25 ml
Wash Concentrate 1
Medtest Dx, Inc.
For use as a cleaning solution on automated analyzers. 6 x 25 ml
Direct Lipid Control L3
Medtest Dx, Inc.
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems. 6 x 3 ml
Direct Lipid Control L2
Medtest Dx, Inc.
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems. 6 x 3 ml
Direct Lipid Control L1
Medtest Dx, Inc.
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems.6 x 3 ml
Direct Lipid Control Set
Medtest Dx, Inc.
This product is intended for in-vitro use only, in the quality control of Direct HDL, Direct LDL, Lipoprotein (a), and Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, cholesterol and triglyceride methods on clinical chemistry systems.6 x 3 ml
Pointe Scientific, Inc. GGT
Medtest Dx, Inc.
Gamma glutamyl transferase Reagent is for the quantitative kinetic determination of gamma glutamyl transferase (gGT) activity in serum on Hitachi analyzers. For in vitro diagnostic use only. 1 x 1L, 1 x 400ml