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Oehm und Rehbein GmbH

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Amadeo M-DR mini
Oehm und Rehbein GmbH
The portable and fully digital X-ray system Amadeo M-DR mini is for use for first aid services, intensive care units, emergency departments, as well as ships and mobile hospitals (e.g. container solutions) in inaccessible areas, in laboratories and scientific stations in remote parts of the world. The Amadeo M-DR mini is used for wireless digital X-ray imaging.
Amadeo M-DR mini
Oehm und Rehbein GmbH
The portable and fully digital X-ray system Amadeo M-DR mini is for use for first aid services, intensive care units, emergency departments, as well as ships and mobile hospitals (e.g. container solutions) in inaccessible areas, in laboratories and scientific stations in remote parts of the world. The Amadeo M-DR mini is used for wireless digital X-ray imaging.
Amadeo M-DR mini
Oehm und Rehbein GmbH
The portable and fully digital X-ray system Amadeo M-DR mini is for use for first aid services, intensive care units, emergency departments, as well as ships and mobile hospitals (e.g. container solutions) in inaccessible areas, in laboratories and scientific stations in remote parts of the world. The Amadeo M-DR mini is used for wireless digital X-ray imaging. The Amadeo M-AX Version does not contain wireless flat panel detector.
Oehm und Rehbein GmbH
DICOM picture archiving system
Oehm und Rehbein GmbH
Professional acquisition software for the connection and control of a direct radiography detector (DR) with an up to date graphic user interface, intuitive operation via touch screen and an adaptable organ specific image processing. It also includes a diagnostic module standard and the multimedia radiographic positioning guide.
Oehm und Rehbein GmbH
Professional acquisition software for the connection and control of a direct radiography detector (DR) with an up to date graphic user interface, intuitive operation via touch screen and an adaptable organ specific image processing. It also includes a diagnostic module standard and the multimedia radiographic positioning guide.