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Photonicare, Inc.

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Standard Otosight Speculum Tip QTY 20
Photonicare, Inc.
20 Pack of Standard OtoSight Speculum Tips
Large OtoSight Speculum Tip QTY 20
Photonicare, Inc.
20 pack of Large OtoSight Speculum Tips
OtoSight Speculum Tip Combination Package
Photonicare, Inc.
Combination Package for shipping containing QTY 100 Large OtoSight Speculum Tips (Unit of Use DI #00850013784073) packaged in 5 20-packs (DI#10850013784070) and QTY 100 Standard OtoSight Speculum Tips (Unit of Use DI #00850013784080) packaged in 5 20-packs (DI#10850013784087).
OtoSight Middle Ear Scope
Photonicare, Inc.
The OtoSight Middle Ear Scope is intended for use as an imaging tool for real-time visualization of the human tympanic membrane and fluid or air within the middle ear space. In the presence of middle ear fluid, the OtoSight Middle Ear Scope is used to visualize the fluid density. The OtoSight Middle Ear Scope is also used to provide surface images of the ear canal and tympanic membrane. It is indicated for use in children and adults.