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SyntheticMR AB (publ)

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SyntheticMR AB (publ)
SyMRI is a post-processing software medical device intended for use in visualization of the brain. SyMRI analyzes input data from MR imaging systems. SyMRI utilizes data from a multi-delay, multi-echo acquisition (MDME) to generate parametric maps of R1, R2 relaxation rates, and proton density (PD). SyMRI can generate multiple image contrasts from the parametric maps. SyMRI enables post-acquisition image contrast adjustment. SyMRI is indicated for head imaging.SyMRI is also intended for automatic labeling, visualization and volumetric quantification of segmentable brain tissues from a set of MR images. Brain tissue volumes are determined based on modeling of parametric maps from MDME images. When interpreted by a trained physician, SyMRI images can provide information useful in determining diagnosis. SyMRI should always be used in combination with at least one other, conventional MR acquisition (e.g. T2-FLAIR).
SyntheticMR AB (publ)
SyMRI is a post-processing software medical device intended for use in visualization of the brain. SyMRI analyzes input data from MR imaging systems. SyMRI utilizes data from a multi-delay, multi-echo acquisition (MDME) to generate parametric maps of R1, R2 relaxation rates, and proton density (PD). SyMRI can generate multiple image contrasts from the parametric maps. SyMRI enables post-acquisition image contrast adjustment. SyMRI is indicated for head imaging.When interpreted by a trained physician, SyMRI images can provide information useful in determining diagnosis. SyMRI should always be used in combination with at least one other, conventional MR acquisition (e.g. T2-FLAIR).