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Scinus Cell Expansion Netherlands B.V.

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2L MC Bottle
Scinus Cell Expansion Netherlands B.V.
This bottle can be used for the hydration of microcarriers and to reconstitute them in medium. And, the addition of the microcarriers to the Adherent Bag.
2L Buffer Bottle
Scinus Cell Expansion Netherlands B.V.
This bottle can be used for slowly medium refreshment of the e.g. Adherent Bag. And, the addition and removal of liquids to/from e.g. the Adherent Bag
1L Bottle
Scinus Cell Expansion Netherlands B.V.
This bottle can be used for the addition and removal of liquids to/from e.g. the Adherent Bag. (single-use)
Adherent Bag
Scinus Cell Expansion Netherlands B.V.
For the adherent cell culture inside the SCINUS the Adherent Bag is used. ThisAdherent Bag is intended exclusively for use with the SCINUS.The SCINUS is a closed, controlled bioreactor system for automated cellcultivation. Combined with the Adherent Bag, it allows large-fold cell expansionwithout passing the cells due to its unique expansion technology. The SCINUSis operated by a controller, which is accessible through an integrated graphicaluser interface (GUI).The unique combination of the rocker, roller, and Adherent Bag ensures ahomogenous environment with minimal levels of shear forces. The roller on topof the rocker enables the expansion of the available culture volume and surfacearea. The pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels are measured by integratedsensors in the Adherent Bag and are controlled with the controller software.The carboxygenator ensures that the set points are maintained within thedesired bandwidths.For the culture of adherent cells, the Adherent Bag must be installed in the SCINUS. The AdherentBag contains the culture bag and the corresponding weldable tubing set.One of the unique features of the Adherent Bag is the gradual expansion of thecell culture volume. The volume can be increased from a minimal volume of 0.1 Lto 1.4 L to accommodate the growing cell population.
Scinus Cell Expansion System
Scinus Cell Expansion Netherlands B.V.
The SCINUS consists of a cabinet that encloses a temperature-controlled environment where a Single Use Bag can be mounted on a mixing Rocker.At the front of the cabinet, the transparent door allows access to the internal area. When opening the transparent front door, the motor of the Rocker will be switched off. In this way, a hazardous situation is prevented.At the left side of the SCINUS front panel, the Emergency Stop button is located, together with the Illumination button and the Control Panel (touch screen display that is used as Graphical User Interface).On the top of the SCINUS, four mounting positions are available for insertion of lifting lugs. The mounting positions are covered and lifting lugs are not provided with the system.