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Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation

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Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The RS-232 Interface Module provides the interface between the RS-232 protocol data acquistion software and the system. The module outputs system data to the data acquisition software such as Tlink Data management Software.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The pressure module serves as the interface between up to two pressure transducers and the system. This module monitors signals from the pressure transducers and communicates pressure values, alerts, and alarms to the system.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The level detect module serves as the interface between the level sensor and the system. This module monitors level sensors mounted on a hardsheel blood reserviour and communicates any alerts or alarms to the system.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The Air Bubble Detect (ABD) module is the interface between an air sensor and the system. The ABD module monitors the air sensor and communicates any alarms to the system.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Central Control Monitor (CCM) combines an embedded computer, a touch screen, and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to provide a centralized display of system information and onscreen control of all system devices.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The flowmeter module provides the interface between the flow sensor and the system. The module processes the signals necessary to compute fluid flow values. Those flow values are then communicated to the system. Flowmeter values are displayed on the CCM and, if assigned, on a pump's local display.
CAPIOX® Holders
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Accessories for SX Oxygenators, holder for CAPIOX® SX/RX/FX oxygenators with hardshell reservoir
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
System base using a 220V-240V, 7A (circuit breaker), 50/60 Hz (10A power source required) power source
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
System base using a 100V-120V, 15A (circuit breaker), 50/60 Hz (20A power source required) power source
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The 15" gooseneck, 20 watt lamp is intended to be mounted on any of the system poles
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
A bracket that attaches to a vertical pole and is used as a mount for up to two flowmeter modules
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The 33" gooseneck, 20 watt lamp is intended to be mounted on any of the system poles
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The electronic gas blender is an optional module that integrates into the APS1 chassis. It accepts inputs of medical grade oxygen and air, or oxygen and 95/5 (a blend of 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide), and allows the ser to control and regulate the gas output to an oxygenator. A built-in oxygen analyzer measures the oxygen content of the blended gas and provides the information to the system for display on the CCM.
CAPIOX® Holders
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Accessories for CAPIOX® Oxygenators, holder for reservoir (short arm)
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
A bracket that mounts to a vertical pole that will hold one roller pump
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The centrifugal control unit provides the local display and control mechanism for the centrifugal pump and serves as the interface between the centrifugal motor and the rest of the heart-lung system.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Roller Pump (6" Blue). The large roller pump is a peristaltic pump with a 6 inch (15 cm) raceway that can be used for arterial, cardioplegia, vent, and suction applications. A universal tub clamp mechanism accommodates a variety of tubing sizes, including dual tube sets.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Roller Pump (4" Blue). The small roller pump is a peristaltic pump with a 4 inch (10 cm) raceway that can be used for arterial, cardioplegia, vent, and suction applications. A universal tub clamp mechanism accommodates a variety of tubing sizes, including dual tube sets.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Roller pump hand cranks used to rotate the roller pump occlusion mechanism during an electrical power failure. These hand cranks can be used on either the large 6" or the small 4" roller pumps.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Ultrasonic couplant used to facilitate the transmission of sound energy between the level sensor and the reservoir.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The air sensor is a non-invasive, ultrasonic sensor that can detect air bubbles in the perfusion circuit. This is the 3/8"x3/32" sensor.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The level sensor is an ultrasonic transducer that is mounted on a hardshell blood reservoir and detects the presence or absence of blood or prime solution at the point of detection. Red.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The level sensor is an ultrasonic transducer that is mounted on a hardshell blood reservoir and detects the presence or absence of blood or prime solution at the point of detection. Yellow.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Ultrasonic couplant used to facilitate the transmission of sound energy between the flow sensor and extracorporeal tubing.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Manual drive motor used to rotate the disposable centrifugal pump in the event of electrical power loss.
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The centrifugal motor is the drive mechanism necessary to pump fluid through a disposable centrifugal pump which is magnetically coupled to the motor.
Accessories for Oxygenation Systems
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Oxygen hose
Accessories for Oxygenation Systems
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Air hose
CDI™ Blood Parameter Monitoring System 500
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Interface cable for Meditronic Bio-Console 550
CDI™ Blood Parameter Monitoring System 500
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Interface cable for TCVS Sarns Centrifugal Pump
CDI™ Blood Parameter Monitoring System 500
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Interface cable for TCVS Sarns 8000
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The air sensor is a non-invasive, ultrasonic sensor that can detect air bubbles in the perfusion circuit. This is the 3/8"x3/32" sensor.
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Flow meter
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Diamond style hose adapter, US only
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
DISS style hose adapter, US only
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
NCG style hose adapter, US only
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Sarns™ Extension arm
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Line Occluder
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
CDI 500 Comm module for TCVS Sarns 8000
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Cardioplegia Monitor
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
8000 Perfusion System Arterial Monitor Providing Temperature and Pressure Measurement Display.
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
8000 Perfusion System Safety Monitor Providing Air Bubble and Fluid Level Detection Display.
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Roller Pump, 115V, System 8000
Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Base, for Sarns™ Modular Perfusion System 8000
Sarns™ Temperature Control Module
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
TCM II Remote Control Module with Temperature Displays
Sarns™ Temperature Probe Module
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Temperature Probe Module For TCM II System
Sarns™ Centrifugal System
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Centrifugal Pump Back-Up Battery
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
The flow sensor is a non-invasive ultrasonic transducer used to measure fluid flow. Includes ultrasonic coupling gel.
Sarns™ Centrifugal System
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Centrifugal Pump Speed Control Module
Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
This is a mounting bracket which allows the air sensor holder to be pole mounted.